Friday, February 11, 2011


This could be an abbreviation or shortcut for several things like Basketball, Bolling Bands, BB gun. But let's talk about stock scans. What I would like to share here is a scan I use to try to find Bollinger Band squeezes.

Using put in the following filter:

Show stocks where lower bollinger band(30) has been increasing over the last 8 days
and upper bollinger band(10) has been decreasing over the last 8 days
and Average Volume(90) is above 500000
and close is between 5 and 250

I would suggest that you modify the band(xx) settings to see a variety of results. There are likely other ways to accomplish a resulting list, but this works well for me.

Happy Hunting


  1. Great scan. I use and used your example to build a similar scan using their engine and thought I'd share it for your readers.

    My scan is:

    [type = stock] and [country = us] and [daily sma(90,daily volume) > 500000] and [daily sma(60,daily close) > 5] and [daily sma(60,daily close) < 250] and [daily lower bb(30,2.0,daily close) > 8 days ago daily lower bb(30,2.0,daily close)] and [daily upper bb(10,2.0,daily close) < 8 days ago daily upper bb(10,2.0,daily close)]

  2. Thanks for taking the time to read the post. Your feedback here is awesome! Does it produce good results for you on ?

  3. I ran the scan last night and I see a lot of results...much more than on stockfetcher (more than 200 on stockcharts vs about 10 on stockfetcher). Not sure why there is such a large discrepancy there...might be that the stockcharts scan needs to be tweaked a bit.

    A quick scan of the results shows some very good BB squeeze candidates though.

  4. Certainly tweaking will get those results narrowed down for sure. Glad to see that it does yields some good candidates for you. I try to have a 1/2 dozen or so each week. When they launch, one way or the other, it really is a nice move.
